원문: http://warpproject.org/trac/wiki/HardwareUsersGuides/WARPv3/TemplateProjects
유저가이드에 대한 내용들은 subsection 4에서 자세히 다룰예정입니다.
WARP v3 User Guide: Template Projects
The following template projects demonstrate how to use the various peripherals on the WARP v3 board and are good starting points for your custom designs.
The projects are grouped by the version of Xilinx ISE used. We will update this page as we port the template projects to newer releases of ISE.
Important: in order to use these projects you must have a local copy of the WARP peripheral cores (pcores) and associated drivers. See http://warpproject.org/trac/wiki/edk_user_repository setup for instructions. Always update your local copy of the WARP edk_user_repository to use new template projects.
템플릿 프로젝트는 앞으로 사용자가 디자인하고자 하는 프로그램작성을 위한 좋은 스터디 예제입니다. 자일링스 뿐만 아니라 WARP 프로젝트팀은 수시로 WARP 사용을 위한 예시와 레퍼런스 디자인들을 업데이트 하기 때문에 수시로 웹페이지에 들어가서 확인해보길 권장합니다.
어쨌든 본 템플릿 프로젝트를 실행하기 위하여 먼저 WARP peripheral cores 의 복사본과 드라이버 복사본을 미리 백업해놓길 바랍니다. 관련내용은 edk_user_repository 를 참조하세요.
Xilinx ISE 14.4 and Later
On Board Peripherals Template Project
템플릿 프로젝터는 아래의 여러 인터페이스들을 실행하는 예제입니다. 몇가지 버전들도 존재하며 최신버전은 아래의 링크에서 다운로드가 가능합니다. 각각의 버전의 릴리즈 노트를 참조해주세요.
This is an XPS/SDK project which implements peripheral cores to interface with every peripheral on the WARP v3 board, including:
- MicroBlaze soft processor (big-endian, PLB-based design)
- Block RAM for instruction/data memory
- User I/O (LEDs, buttons, UART)
- Dual Ethernet interfaces
- MPMC for DDR3 SO-DIMM access
- Peripherals for RF interface control
- Timer peripheral for user code
Version information:
Project Version | ISE Version | Arch | EDK Project Download |
1.4 | 14.4 | MB/PLB | w3_TemplateProject_OnBoardPeriphs_v1p4.zip |
We recommend downloading the latest version of this project that matches the version of the ISE tools you have installed.
- v1.4 (Mar 2014):
- Updated project for XPS/SDK 14.4 and later (works through 14.7, the latest and last ISE release)
- v1.3 (Feb 2013):
- Updated w3_clock_controller to v3.01b
- New at_boot_clock_in_valid port delays at_boot config until 200MHz clock is stable
- CM-MMCX switches must both be 0 (down) to select off-board sampling clock source
- Removed duplicate LOC constraints from UCF
- v1.2 (Jan 2013):
- Updated WARP v3 pcores to latest versions (ad_controller, clock_controller, radio_controller, ad_bridge)
- Added support for CM-MMCX clock module and config-time clock source selection via switch
- Renamed EEPROM controller instance to w3_iic_eeprom_onBoard, to disambiguate when another instance is used for FMC EEPROM
- Routed 200MHz clk to w3_clock_controller "at boot" logic, to select master clock source before MMCMs attempt lock
- Added constraints for unused bi-directional I/O for radio_controller RFC/RFD SPI SDIO (XPS forces these to pins, even when unsed)
- v1.1 (Nov 2012)
- Swapped LSB/MSB for DIP switch, so LSB is right-most switch
- Updated Ethernet constraints for ETH_A MDIO signals
- Disabled MicroBlaze hardware divider by default (C_USE_DIV = 0)
- v1.0 (Aug 2012)
- Initial release of template project
ISE 13.4
Please see TemplateProjects/13p4 for previous release of the template projects for XPS/SDK 13.4.
Other Projects
The XPS/SDK projects for the latest 802.11 Reference Design, WARPLab Reference Design, and OFDM Reference Design are also available. These are all more complex than the template project above but use the same tools and design flows.
그밖의 프로젝트들이 위와 같이 많이 존재하지만, 후에 우리는 802.11 레퍼런스 디자인에 대해서 집중적으로 분석해볼 예정입니다.
'N.&C. > WARP v3' 카테고리의 다른 글
5. WARPLab 7 (0) | 2016.05.03 |
3-2. Introduction to the Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) (0) | 2016.05.03 |
3-1. Introduction to the Xilinx Software Development Kit (SDK) (0) | 2016.05.03 |
3. Getting Started with the Xilinx tools (0) | 2016.05.03 |
2. Recommended Tools and Equipment (0) | 2016.05.02 |